Monday, 15 November 2010

13th Century Buddhist Mantra: Key To Prosperity and Happiness?

Way back in the 13th century a Japenese Buddhist monk by the name of Nichiren Daishonen split from the traditional Bhuddists of the day as he believed their teachings were wrong.

His beliefs created a new branch of Bhuddism, with followers using the 'Lotus Sutra' chant to recieve enlightenment and earthly treasures, for these were the balance in life.

The simple mantra has been used for nearly 700 years, and has been effective for many people in shaping their lives. The belief is that the mantra 'opens' up the gateway to the universal power all around us, and so allows it to flow into our lives giving us what we desire or wish for.

The singer Tina Turner is one of its most high profile followers. In the 1993 movie 'What's Love Got to Do with It', an autobiographical film about Turner's rise to stardom and her relationship with her abusive husband, she chanted the Buddhist mantra famed for giving the key to universla attunement and the power of manifestation.

So what is this magic mantra that has helped so many people? And can it just have some truth behind it, having survived nearly 700 years?

You can 'perform' this chant while driving, cleaning, washing up, in the shower or bath, walking or anywhere else you choose. It can bring you what you want, but,maybe more importantly, it connects you to the universe, and you may begin to question what you desire. You'll still want the best in life, but you become more aware of what is truly important, what matters more. The good thing is you can also perform this chant for other people, just focus on the other person before you begin the chant. The main factor is to use it regularly, daily if possible, 20-30 minutes would be ideal, which will be easy if you use it when driving or doing mundane househild chores.

So what is this amazing chant that promises so much?


Nam rhymes with Pam and jam! It's pronounced just as the last part of the word Vietnam.

Myoho comes in two parts. Myo rhymes with go, and is pronounced m'o. Ho also rhymes with go. The whole word sounds like m'o-ho.

Renge is also a two-part word. The first part, Ren, rhymes with hen and sounds just like the last part of the word children. Ge is pronounced exactly like the word gay, and rhymes with hay and stay. The whole word sounds like ren-gay.

Kyo also rhymes with go, and sounds just like the last part of Tokyo.

This Mantra is powerful and will work to some degree with everyone, but only with sustained use, people generally see and feel changes in 2-4 weeks, but it does depend on the amount of time you find to say or think the Mantra.

Many people who chant NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO find that it helps them to become more happy and fulfilled as human beings, through acting more often in ways that are wise, and that recognise our profound connections to everything and everybody else.

Remember, when you find success and happiness.. you found it here first, so lets us know your stories, so that we can spread the word (and Mantra!) far and wide, and, oh yes.. donations would be appreciated!!

For an audio download on exactly how to pronounce the mantra click HERE

Here's wishing and hoping every success for you.

1 comment:

Resume Writers said...

I believe that 13th Century Buddhist Mantra: Key To Prosperity and Happiness? Thanks for a smart presentation!
buddhist mantra